After qualifying as a solicitor in 1979 I advised many of the world's leading companies on difficult employment law issues. I set up Tim Johnson/Law in 2009.
Examples of experience include:
Representing companies in landmark litigation including equal pay claims in the Court of Appeal, House of Lords and European Court
Advising the UK Government on sexual orientation discrimination and other employment law issues
Union negotiations to avoid strikes
Representing City bankers in successful discrimination and whistleblowing claims
Drafting the terms of employment of senior management in leading financial institutions
Resolving boardroom disputes
Advising several international IT companies on large scale redundancies across Europe
Providing lead advice to Swiss International Airlines on employment law issues in sixty three countries following the collapse of Swissair
Settling claims arising from sexual harassment by high profile senior directors
Advising global legal and accounting firms and their partners on partnership disputes
Outsourcing services across Europe.
I edited Sweet & Maxwell's Employment Law Manual and Employment Law in Europe (Gower), and contributed to Europe in the 21st Century (Macmillan), Global Business Workforce Restructuring (Kluwer) and news media.
TV and radio news and discussion, and programmes such as Money Box Live and Wake Up to Money, Watchdog and - long ago - The Jimmy Young Show.
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